This may sound silly and impossible but it's not. It is not silly or impossible. Jedi Mind Tricks are Rational and Simple (wave right hand lao-gung chi ball point here).
You've wanted to convince others to do your bidding. Does that make you evil? No. It makes you normal. Now, some of us can actually get others to do the things we want. Does that make us evil? No. It makes us readers of Carnegy's book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
Ok, so influencing people isn't so hard. What if you want to be able to get people to do things at a Jedi Level? In Chinese Kung Fu, they call this "Shin Gong." Yoda calls it, "Using the Force."
On the surface, the process of getting people to do what you want using "Shin Gong" or "the Force" is no different from any other communication. You start by communicating your desire. Then you wait to see how deeply that message influences your listener. For Super-Natural Martial Arts Powers Digg Me!
The big differences between your common communication and "Shin Gong" comes into play far before your communication begins. Instead of communicating via sound waves that pass from your larynx to their ear drum, in "Shin Gong," You communicate from your soul to their soul. Or more precisely, since Shin Gong means, "the cultivation of spirit," you communicate from your spirit to their spirit.
How is this done? Let's first establish that hands do play a key role. Ok done. We will come back to this.
Second, understand how communication happens. You speak, they hear, they process the words, then they filter the words based on what they THINK you mean. Then, they toss the ideas in through a processing lab maze that compares your idea with millions of their own. They weigh your idea against their own agenda, comfort level, and interests. Finally, after your idea has been strip searched by the Storm Troopers of the mind, a decision is rendered.
Now that you know how a decision is made, you begin to see how to circumvent the decision making process and immediately corral agreement. Yes, you do see it. It's like this, if you want your screen play to go to hollywood, do you show it to all the writers in town or do you go directly to G Lucas?
Your mind is no different. In order to "Jedi Mind Trick" a friend or even a hot chick, set your intention to speak directly to their spirit. Don't even bother with speaking to their mind or thoughts. Chances are you'll just get filtered out before you get anywhere near the core of the Death Star.
There are several physical techniques that let you achieve direct spirit-spirit connection. Among them are posture, pulse, breathing, and thoughts. Carnegy talks a lot about "mirroring." The modern business world using this mirroring as a way to match the posture of those you are doing business with. If they lean, you lean. If they cross their legs, you cross. Next, match your heart rate to theirs. Musicians know this as rhythm. Then, match their breathing. This creates deep harmonics.
Now you've created a high bandwidth communication channel between you and your partner. You have a profound level of intimacy and interconnection with each other (This also happens naturally during sex).
Finally, for the "Jedi Mind Trick" part where you move your hand. Still maintaining your will to speak directly to your friend's spirit, tilt your head down and look upward at him. This enables you to access your visual cortex to transfer your mental images from eyes to eyes. Now speak. For Super-Natural Martial Arts Powers Digg Me!
As you speak, move one hand from left to right. Follow your own hand with your eyes as you do. This is designed to create the same effect that a hypnotist would do using a pocket watch. Its called the pendulum effect. Why does this work? Simple. The eye movement implants the most recent suggestion across the left AND the right side of the brain as the optic nerve guided by eyeball tracking triggers synapses to fire across both lobes of the brain.
You've covered the entire logical and the emotional side of your friend's brain with one suggestion out of the visual part of your brain. The same thing happens during rem sleep. Your rapid eye movement stimulates the optic nerves to activate all the connected parts of your brain.
If you don't think this works, wait till the next time a really cute kid asks you for another ice creme. They are born Jedi Knights.
We can go into deeper resolution but start with trying to get that hot chick to give you her number. We'll talk.
For Super-Natural Martial Arts Powers Digg Me!
NEW!: See Part Deux. Jedi Martial Arts Lesson
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