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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Meditation Art - How to Throw Chi Balls Like in XBOX

How to Throw Chi Balls / Energy Fire Balls at Your Buddies Just Like PS3
Yes, this is a meditation website. It's about reaching zen centeredness and bliss through the pursuit of spirit. But today, we are going to explain how to throw a deadly chi ball.

Why? We are doing this for two reasons. First, to show that through meditation, anything is possible. Second, because we want the younger video gaming crowd to get off of ritalin and meditate because it is cool.

OK, so enough of the disclaimers. Let's get down to it.

Spiritual Meditation + Basics DIGG IT!
The first thing you've got to learn to do before you can throw chi fire balls at your friends is focus. Secondly, you must be able to relax. I could write a whole chapter on this but lets move on. Last, you've got to have faith that this is indeed possible.

The faith part, we can help with. There are two main components to throwing a chi ball. You've experienced them both in your daily life already. So you've already got the faith that this works. You ever notice that if someone gives you the menacing evil eye, you feel lousy for weeks? You ever notice that if you step out into a cold breeze when you are wet or tired you catch a "cold?"

Well, these are the principles you must understand. All over Asia, if you get sick, you are said to have either caught a "cold" or a "hot." Yes, you can indeed catch a "hot" too. Catching a "hot" happens to you when you get sunburnt. You feel all hot and radiant then at night, you start shivering.

So in the same way you can sneeze and give someone a "cold," you can also "allyoucan (street fighter reference)" and give someone a "hot." This is the first principle of throwing chi fire balls. The second is that instead of giving someone the "evil eye" through eye contact, you do so with the palm of your hand. Hot chicks know all about this type of contact. Sleezy guys at clubs can make a girl feel dirty for days with just a touch.

Throughout Asia and India, the Yoga land, you can see pictures like the one above. In acupuncture, this point is called the LAO GONG Point...
Location: In the middle of the palm, between the middle and the ring fingers, adjacent to the 3rd metacarpal bone.
Indications: Stomatitis, epilepsy, chronic skin infection of the hand, hiccup.

Kung Fu Training and Actual Practice DIGG IT!
Now that you know that you've already experienced the ingredients for chi balls or energy fire balls in your common daily life, it's time to take these ingredients and blend them together to pour out a tall glass of "whoopass" on your buddies.

The first thing you've got to practice is the "evil eye" thing through your "lao gong" point. How you do this is by practicing touching people. Feel an emotion. Try opposites. Feel blissful happiness. Ask yourself, "where in my body do I feel this bliss?" (keep this pg13 please.) Then, move the bliss to the LAO GONG point (remember we said in the beginning that focus and relaxation is crucial?). You palm should tingle now. As soon as you get this tingle, touch a buddy's neck, forearm or belly while further moving the feeling into your buddy. Don't tell them what you are doing. Just notice their reaction. Now try the opposite emotion. Try tatoo worthy depression.

Works Huh?!

Ok, now for the hard part. How do you throw that at someone from long range? Let's leave this for next time. Suffice it to say for now that it requires much more training that involves candles. Try this, light a candle. Stand with your palm toward the candle and push air at it from about 1 foot away. You can chamber your palm at your hip then do a thrust to put out the candle. This ONLY works if you are relaxed. When you get really frustrated, start visualizing cold damp moisture squirting from your palm to put out the candle.

Ok, I've already divulged too much. Comment below and let me know if you want to learn more :o) and talk about this

Next Topic: Ninjitsu Lesson - How to Become Invisible for 10 minutes. DIGG IT!


Anonymous said...

Where did you learn this stuff?

OLED 3d Printing Social Media Nanotech said...

Odd stuff huh? I learned it from Tai Chi Grand Master TZU... he's all over youtube... also... see