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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

How To Jump From a Tall Building and Not Die Immediately

In today's sit down drive around world. The human body doesn't get much of a chance to test its limits. But in some parts of the world, training the body and mind are still a daily endeavor. Grand Master Iron Kim of Oom Yung Doe Kung Fu is one of these people who claims to have jumped from a 12 story and 8 story to a sloped surface below without injury. Photos are at martial arts

The Art of high falling is called kyung-kong-sul-bup or Mid-Air-Art-Technique. It requires focus, body conditioning and meditation. The meditation is necessary to shift your organs within your body in the way a leaf would feather downward instead of plummet like a pebble. This requires metronome like precision and timing.

Beyond this I don't know much more about the technique so I'll let you decide.

As far as I can tell, Looks like the guys above could use some more swafting. Watching cats and monkeys falling may help.


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