How To Have Snake like Kung Fu Reflexes to Catch Balls with Your Eyes Closed in 30 daysWe all remember that scene in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon where Chow Yung Fat / Li-Mu Bai's love interest, the hot older chick drops a hot cup of tea on ZHANG ZIYI, the hotter younger chick. ZHANG ZIYI catches the cup without spilling a drop.
This is more or less possible. And it only takes about 30 days of training.
The training requires about 1-2 hours of time per day. But the tricky part is that you'll have to learn how to think differently. Infact. you'll have to learn NOT to think. Instead, you'll have to learn how to just BE. Thinking takes time. Being is perpetual and instantaneous.
Training Equipment Digg It!To start, all you'll need is a bean bag. Try using a big bean bag about the size of both your fists put together. As you get better, you'll be able to move down to marbles, bb's, and even hot teacups.
There are 2 reasons a bean back is the best starting tool. First, when you throw it, you can hear it. This is important because you cannot use your eyes. Visual reaction time has too much latency. Secondly, It's forgiving. there's a good tenth of a second between the first bean and the last bean to hit you.
Pre Requisite Meditation Warm Up Digg It!This is the part that may take some time for Westerners to get used to. Practice moving your mind to different parts of your body. In America, we tend to think that our mind is in our brain. But in asia, the mind can be anywhere. So, practice taking QI or CHI or ENERGY away from everypart of your body and concentrating it on the back of your hand.
This process is meditative. If done properly, you should not be able to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel anything except every hair on the back of your hand vibrating from the wind current. This is easier to do than you think. You do it all the time already. Think of the last Superbowl. Your Wife became mute and you became Wife-tone deaf. You didn't even notice the Dorritos on your lap.
Later on, this process a can be used to put your mind into animals and see what they see but let's not get carried away here. All we are doing is teaching you to catch a teacup instantly.
Next, standing outside, find a breeze. Yes, find a breezy place like a park where you can move around flail your arms without being self conscious. Now take those super sensitive hands and feel the air vibrating the hair on the back of your hands. Make the vibrating stop by moving your hands in the same direction and speed as the wind currents.
If you've ever been in a hot air balloon, you'll know what I mean. There is NO BREEZE in the hot air balloon because it moves WITH THE WIND. In fact, from up there, you can hear everything for miles.
This process trains you to be at one. You will need this because in order to catch a bean bag with our eyes closed, you must "Be da Bag."
Lastly, highten your hearing and feeling senses. You can this by doing reverse blinking where ever you are walking. Reverse blinking is exactly what it sounds like. While you are walking, keep your eyes closed for as long as you can. Then, blink your eyes OPEN for a millisecond to re assess your location and keep moving. This also trains your photographic memory but for this lesson, just apply it to your ability to move by sound and feel instead of sight.
How to Practice Digg It!Finally. Now that you have the idea, It's time to practice catching with your eyes closed. In the beginning, I don't recommend standing on home plate in a batting cage just yet.
Start by practicing catching the large beanbag (PICTURES ) with your writing hand. Have your strong hand palm down extended out. Then lightly toss the bean bag up so that it hits the top of your right hand on its way down. If you tense your body, the neural synaptic messages will have a hard time getting to your brain and back so relax. Let the chi flow.
The moment you feel the first bean touch the back of your hand, catch it. Do so with our eyes closed.
This is harder to do that you think. The bag will generally just bounce off your hand and hit the ground. So to catch the back with snake like timing, you must think differently. Stop thinking about catching the bag. Let the catching be a side effect of your BEING the BAG. Tell yourself that the bag is a part of your right hand. It has always been there and it always will be there like a Siamese twin.
Then, when you feel the first bean hit your hand let that bean GUIDE and LEAD YOU. Do not try to conquor it. Let it tell you how it wants to be conquored. In less "Sun Tzu Art of War Speak," what this means is that you simply follow the bean downward and match its speed. Doing so will give you eon's of more time to catch the bag. Remember to bend your knees as you follow the bag down.
You do all this with your eyes closed.
After my first month of training, I had a chance to practically apply this training at a sushi bar. I accidently elbowed a tall bottle of Kirin behind my back. It flew across the table toward the cement. Then, as if I had an out of body experience, I saw my right hand fling itself behind me and catch the bottle right side up. All this happened behind my back without any visual help.
Now, Try this with a opponent's Punch. You will amaze your friends and win over the hottest chick in the bar. Unless she is ZHANG ZIYI.
Practice this. And comment below on your questions and experience. Next Lesson, How to bounce and move like a Tiger. (This one is suuuuper simple)
Digg It!